Sunday 9 October 2022

Snapshots #261: A Top Ten African Country Songs

Ten songs out of Africa. Or named after African countries. That was harder to put together than I thought it would be...

10. Sneaky wet, sweaty Ken.


Kanye West - Diamonds From Sierra Leone

9. Found in cowpat ticks and enthusiasm, it hurts.

Found in cowPAT TIcks and enthusiaSM, IT Hurts.

Patti Smith - Radio Ethiopia

8. Grace, Gloria and Rickie Lee, perhaps.

The Jones Girls - Nights Over Egypt

7. 10th, twice, 50 years ago.

The 10th letter of the alphabet is J. 1972 was 50 years ago, as I'm only too painfully aware.

JJ72 - Algeria

6. Hope for Thomas.

Bob Hope for Dylan Thomas.

Bob Dylan - Mozambique

5. Saved from the noose.

The Men They Couldn't Hang - A Map of Morocco

4. Goes before sharks.

Great White - Congo Square

3. Lewis drives toward smelly, yet divine, comedian.

Lewis Hamilton + BO + (Neil) Hannon...

Hamilton Bohannan - South African Man

2. Giant steps are what he'll take...

...if he wants to walk on the moon, or moonwalk, when he grows up.

1. Shaikh Wham, shaken. 

Shaikh Wham, unshaken, is...

Hamish Hawk - The Mauritian Badminton Doubles Champion, 1973

Don't be lion about next Saturday morning - Snapshots will back back, 8.30 sharp.


  1. Excellent Top 10, just a shame you couldn't find room for The Jackson's Kenya Feel It or Rick Astley's Never Ghana Give You Up

    I'll be leaving now

    1. :-) nor room for Dandy Livingstone's Sudan, Beware Of The Devil and I Don't Want Togo To Chelsea by Elvis Costello...
      (What have you started?!))

  2. I'm starting to think certain correspondents don't treat this quiz with the respect or solemnity it deserves...

    1. Spoken like a true schoolteacher. Sorry Sir.

    2. Yes, sorry Sir. Won't happen again Sir.

    3. I'll see you both in the Headmaster's Office, if it does.


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